
As a leading company in the global seed industry, SAKATA aims to achieve breakthroughs by being first to develop vegetable and flower seeds which bring happiness to humankind, and by achieving stable production and provision of high-quality seeds. We believe that flowers and vegetables growing from SAKATA’s seeds will improve everyone’s quality of life, and that a single seed will expand greatly into a variety of possibilities.

Our Story

Aiming for the sustainable development of the environment, society, agriculture, and horticulture, SAKATA will continually grow as a global company by devoting ourselves to the development of seeds varieties; that is, the creation of unprecedented flowers and vegetables.


Bringing even greater strength and value to the future of agriculture—SAKATA’s R&D system for developing varieties that solve problems in agriculture.

On-farm Trial

SAKATA’s seeds suitability measurement system that tests prototypes worldwide to determine if our seeds are suitable for cultivation conditions such as the local climate.

Production Management

SAKATA’s precise global production system for producing high-quality seeds. We operate the system in 19 countries worldwide in search of optimal producing conditions.

Quality Control

System which includes testing based on International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) international standards, as well as management system using SAKATA’s unique testing technology to ensure high-quality seeds.

Protection of Intellectual Property

Protection efforts for various know-how such as research results accumulated since SAKATA’s founding.


SAKATA’s efforts so that our seeds and seedlings can be used safety.


The awards received at AAS,FS and International Horticultural Expo for the varieties we have bred, and the award for our company and employee.